La escuela San Martin tiene que renovar hace ya 6 meses el equipamiento deportivo que utilzan sus 250 estudiantes y queremos darles una mano para que los alumnos puedan volver a entrenar en sus clases de educación física como solían hacerlo.
Los insumos que necesitan son:
. 5 pelotas de futbol
Petition to
Arcos de futbol para escuela 101 de Rosario
Petition to
Arcos de futbol para escuela 101 de Rosario
La escuela 101 de la ciudad de Rosario tiene un predio para hacer un patio de deportes y necesita fondos para comprar dos arcos de futbol. La escuela tiene 300 ...
Petition to
Instalación electrica escuela 33
Petition to
Instalación electrica escuela 33
La escuela N33 de la Ruta 5 no tiene bajada de tensión hace 3 años y los alumnos no tienen electricidad para luz, cocina, etc.
Esta escuela es responsabilidad del gobierno provincial y el presupuesto necesario para hacer la bajada de tensión es de unos 10 millones de pesos.
Petition to Boris Johnson
I want to stop companies from using single use plastic
Petition to Boris Johnson
I want to stop companies from using single use plastic
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, ...
Petition to Camila Gonzalez
Do Not Mandate Vaccines or Masks for Our Children
Petition to Camila Gonzalez
Do Not Mandate Vaccines or Masks for Our Children
Dear School Administrator, The past 1.5 years have been challenging. No one knows that better than you. I do not envy your position and the decisions you need to make ...
Petition to Katy Dickson, Conikal, Long
Help American Girl understand why limb difference dolls are so important
Petition to Katy Dickson, Conikal, Long
Help American Girl understand why limb difference dolls are so important
My daughter, Jordan, started asking me why her dolls don't look just like her when she was four years old. We had just purchased her first Bitty Baby from Chicago's American ...
Facebook enabled Russian interference in the United States election in 2016, but refuses to provide a full account to the public. In fact, it has recently removed data that allowed independent ...
1 - 7 of 7 Petitions